Does an eSIM expire if it's not used?

Details about how the eSIM validity works is below. For more information on how Data Bundles work for the eSIM and how long they are valid for, please see the article: How Bundles Work.

eSIM Validity

An eSIM is valid for up to 12 months after initial purchase. Each time the eSIM uses data services, through having a data bundle applied and data used, this 12 month timer resets.

After 12 months of inactivity on an eSIM, it will be recycled back into a pool for reallocation.

For example

An eSIM is purchased and used for 3 months. At the end of the usage period, the timer starts for 12 months. If there is no usage within 12 months the eSIM will be recycled.

This would mean the eSIM is the customers for 15 months total.